Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Why Old Asian Men Like Lee Kwan Yew Are So Wise

<cardcheat> Something about your body weighs 21 grams less when you die.
<cardcheat> So that must be your soul or some shit.
<ReindeerF> When Asians die there's just a piece of paper inside with a fortune.

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Known Knowns

"i like rumsfeld i always have he is smart"


Blue Horseshoe Likes Democracy

"So, has anyone checked Diebold's stock prices? They're bound to take a hit when people see they can't even steal an election properly."


Monday, November 6, 2006

Religion of (Black-eyed) Peas

"Islams think they are the new blacks."


Sunday, November 5, 2006

Declaration of Insolence

"God bless America. Life, liberty and the pursuit of blowing shit up."


Flipbook Follies

"I wonder what would happen if we went back in time and gave the Kings of medieval Europe flipbooks of 9/11."
